Join us for the next Equitable Dinners: Lift Every Voice on Sunday, September 19, 2021, with a focus on Anti-Racism and Policing and racial terror. The evening will start with a play written, followed by small group facilitated conversations.
As we navigate social distancing, it’s easy to be overwhelmed about which issues still need our attention right now.
Equitable Dinners: Lift Every Voice is a free, live series of online conversations, featuring art, guest speakers on a range of topics, and an opportunity to connect with your neighbors locally and around the world to talk about race and equity.
Equitable Dinners: Lift Every Voice will take place one Sunday a month from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.
We are engaging several of these topics over the next several months: Anti-Racism and Poverty, Reparations, Whiteness, Prison Industrial System, Maternal Health, Black Men’s Mental Health, Immigration, Citizenship, Labor Organizing, Truth and Reconciliation, and many more.