Girls and their mentors, parents, friends and special guests are invited to spend the afternoon at the Center for Civil and Human Rights to celebrate the International Day of the Girl and the experiences of today’s girls across the globe.
Activities include:
- Get moving! Get your day started by dancing with others to Beyonce’s Move your body!
- The 40 Minute Hackathon- Women in Technology and ThoughtWorks collaborate to present a Hackathon. Only 30 RSVPS for this session. Special instructions provided in Eventbrite registration.
- A self-guided tour of the Center with highlights on the civil and human rights sheroes in the exhibitions.
- The Gilded Stroke and Youth Spark will provide girls the opportunity to learn about Human Trafficking around the world through Quilting.
- STOP HUNGER NOW! Joining the brigade to package 10,000 meals that will be sent to children throughout the world.
- Days for Girls International! Girls will learn about global challenges for girls seeking access to education.
- Protect yourself! Girls will participate in a self-defense demonstration and learn how they can pack a mighty punch.
This event is sponsored by the Kendeda Fund